In the Chino Valley as it is in Heaven

S E E K W E E K D A Y T H R E E // W E D N E S D A Y A U G U S T 2 3

“Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Doesn’t she light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it? And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.’ In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” // Luke 15: 8-10

Today, we get to contemplate what it means to lose — and reclaim — something of value. In a culture where so much seems replaceable and temporary, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly holds value. Read this parable a few times, slowly. Notice and take note of words or images that stand out to you, and record them in your journal or on the PDF version of this devotional. With your attention on Jesus, ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind a gift, talent, or place of value that God has given you that you may have set aside or lost — maybe you experienced disappointment or discouragement; maybe life got busy and you just didn’t have time to use your gift for a while; whatever the case may be, allow God to bring that value in you to light, and consider how He may be asking you to celebrate and use that gift alongside your friends and neighbors.

Community practice: Worship & Prayer night at The Bridge

Tonight, we will all come together as a church family to worship and pray together. Starting at 6:30 and going until 8pm, this will be a time to go deep in worship, to seek Jesus as a community, and to open our hearts to an experience of God’s presence. We will have a space for creativity, and all ages are encouraged to attend. This is a family event, and childcare will not be provided except for infants.

Scripture: James 1:17, 1 Corinthians 12,

Prayer: In whatever time you are able, spend time in gratitude and prayer for the gifts God has given you. He has equipped you to belong to His body, the church — to contribute to a community and bring Heaven to earth. Ask Jesus to give you peace, confidence, and faith to operate in your gifting. If you are comfortable, ask the Holy Spirit to give you one idea for how you might partner with Heaven on earth today. A prayer prompt is available below, or you can pray as you feel led.

Father, You are the giver of good gifts, and You never change Your mind about what You have given to us. Today, will You give me holy ideas to partner with You as You bring heaven to earth? Will you encourage me in the places I feel vulnerable or afraid to share my gifts with others? Help me to have faith that Your kingdom is here, and it’s coming — and that I am a part of that. Help me to trust that You mean for me to be a part of a loving community where I can build and belong. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of what you are doing in the Chino Valley. Amen

Devotional time // journaling questions:

  1. Spend a few minutes in quiet contemplation with God. Consider one area of your life where you can use your gifts to see Jesus’ kingdom advance. Write out your prayer for that place, person, or situation.

  2. What verse stood out to you today? Spend some time reading or praying that verse, and allow God to speak to you through it.

  3. Ask God to give you wisdom and insight into his will for your life, and to show you just how much He values you. Write down whatever comes to mind and pray into those things.